Saturday, November 30, 2019

What Are the Essential Skills to Be Possessed by a Manager Essay Example

What Are the Essential Skills to Be Possessed by a Manager Essay What are the essential skills to be possessed by a manager? A:- In order to perform your role as a good manager, you need to possess and exhibit a range of skills to plan, control, organize, lead and take decisions of an organization. In this article I am giving a brief idea of those unique set of skills needed for a professional manager. Planning skills It’s often needed to define the future of an organization. Managers must be able to ensure that his company does exist in the future. Hence his planning skills include ability to Forecast future environment Think ahead Plot organizational objectivesChoose strategies to attain these objectives Reach their performance standards When an organization increases its complexity, it needs its managers to acquire skills as needed to fit the present needs of the system. Organizing skills Organizing process follows the planning process. Its skills can be broadly spelled as the ability to Analyze and describe various tasks Select, train a nd appoint people Define roles, authority and controls Change these working links whenever necessary and make these changes flexible It depends upon the managerial skills to achieve the best you can, with the limited resources available.Leading skills A leader must be able to know the values, personality, attitudes and perceptions of his subordinates. Value is an opinion or belief a person holds about something while personality is a sum up of personal traits of an individual. It’s determined by our physical constitution, beliefs and values he holds. Perception is how a person interprets something from what he see, smell or feel while attitude is a person’s behaviour to a particular event, situation or person. Though we can’t observe it directly, we can observe its consequences.Attitudes can be learned and have three aspects – cognitive, affective and behaviourial. manageskills2 Controlling skills It consists of actions and decisions which managers undert ake to ensure that outputs obtained are consistent with desired ones. Any difference between the actual and planned results must be corrected by management by taking appropriate actions. So, a management has a pre-determined standard according to which outputs are needed to be checked. manageskills1 Decision making skills They are related to planning process and pervade all other modules of managerial skills.A manager’s skills and effectiveness lies in making appropriate and timely decisions most suited to that particular situation. Sometimes repetitive or routine problems are involved which are to be verified periodically. So, at the end of all the above managerial skills, you may be able to know the overall skills of a manager. Also, there are different levels of managers – first level managers, having the direct contact with the employees, middle level managers to whom the first level managers report, comparatively less in number than first level managers and top le vel managers who are the overall decision makers of the company.Managerial skills at various levels These skills refer to the ability of managers at different managerial levels of the system hierarchy. Katz in 1974 categorized managerial skills into three types. Technical skill It’s the ability to work with resources in a particular area of expertise. For example, a lab assistant must know his subject well, to help the project students. An accountant should know everything about accounts and balance sheet and a surgeon should be well expert in surgery.In a small manufacturing organization, top boss should have a clear idea of technology skills. Very often, training programs can help employees to expertise in technical skills. Human skill It deals with the ability of a manager to work effectively among his group of members, interact well and take suitable decisions to lead them from front. Communication skill of a manager is very important. Also, to provide a better working at mosphere for his subordinates, a manager is needed to possess certain human skills and it can be developed without any formal training. Conceptual skillIt’s the ability to see organization as a whole and recognizing relationships or links of different modules within the system. Also, it identifies the impact of changes of one module affecting other modules, it may be one or two or a group. As a manager you need to view situations and determine the inter-related factors. Also, his ability to co-ordinate and integrate a variety of factors is very important. Top management skills No doubt, top management has to run the organization as a whole and hence they need some special, distinct management skills to control the whole organization.Most important of them include Building a strong and efficient team of people at the middle management level and should encourage his subordinates to learn some of his management skills as well. Need to monitor and review the functioning of an org anization at different time intervals and check if the outputs are matching the already set targets. Keep in touch and share ideas with planners, policy makers and intellectual and skilled people of the organization. To find competent human resources to fit their organization and encourage and appreciate them in the form of rewards if needed.Develop a distinct and special skill to make you different from others and prompt others to follow you. You can even guide your subordinates by sharing your experiences and piece of knowledge. Thus skills of a manager is essentially two ways – functional, which involves planning, organizing, leading, controlling and decision making and skills of managers involving technical, human and conceptual. Through this article, I have given a brief description of managerial skills needed for an organization.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Interview Wardrobe Mistakes That Will Cost You the Job

Interview Wardrobe Mistakes That Will Cost You the Job I remember one nerve-wracking moment in a recent interview I went on. I was wearing a perfectly appropriate dress, with a tidy tailored but still feminine vibe. But I accidentally took off my sweater with my raincoat, and realized as I reached for my folder of resumes that I was now wearing short sleeves, which wouldn’t have been a big deal†¦ except for the tattoo I’d recently gotten on the inside of my bicep. Fortunately, it was for a college-level teaching job where they valued my professional abilities and enthusiasm as much as my presentation; in a more conservative venue, it might have been a deal breaker. Now, it’s also true that I probably wouldn’t want to work anywhere that wouldn’t hire me because of my artwork or my jewelry, but that’s easier said than accepted when you need a job to live and, you know, eat.That being said, here are 5 interview wardrobe mistakes that will cost you the job:1.You forget to cover up any tattoos or body artA wardrobe misstep shows a lack of judgment to a prospective employer. You want to show your personality, but in measured, deliberate ways. Even though I’m not embarrassed about my tattoos (they’re colorful and fun, like me!), I went into the interview expecting to not to reveal them, and I was flustered when I accidentally uncovered them. Know your outfit well enough that it can’t surprise you!2. Your  interview wardrobe  isn’t industry appropriateWhile covering my tattoos up wasn’t a mandatory gesture in the kind of teaching job I was interviewing for, in another job it might have been. On the other hand, the tailored dress I wore might have been too stuffy or formal for a more creative and casual environment.On another recent job interview, I was over-dressed and it rebounded on me in more ways than one- the office was a zillion degrees and there was only so far I could push my sleeves up! Prepare for interviews the way you prepare for the Pacific Northwest. Light layers, coordinated colors.3.  Your interview wardrobe reveals too much skinAvoid anything that’s distractingly short, ill-fitting, or tight. An interview is not the time to squeeze into your aspirational pants or the dress the dry cleaners shrunk that you’re still in mourning for. Get a second opinion from a friend in the know, whenever you’re in doubt. If I’d asked around, my colleagues elsewhere in publishing could have told me that dark slacks and a blazer would have been more appropriate than my erstwhile suit look.4.  You put your outfit together the morning of the interviewPractice ahead of time- try on your outfit a few days in advance! Make sure everything is  pressed, clean, tucked in, and that your shoes match. Know how to get your briefcase or your folder open easily.And stay calm! You’re still you, no matter what you wear- just put your best foot (and sleeve) forward.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Analyzing The Outsider An Metamorphosis English Literature Essay

Analyzing The Outsider An Metamorphosis English Literature Essay In The Outsider by Albert Camus and The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, both authors utilize the protagonist’s distinct characteristic and central theme to evoke sympathy in the readers for Gregor Samsa and Meursault, which will be explored in a deeper context in the essay. Both protagonists have their own characters which defines them as a person. Readers will be replete with sympathy knowing that the protagonists’ misfortunes were a result of their characters. Themes are used to express ideas and are employed by authors as a literary device to bring forth basic elements in any story. The main theme in both books bring into light the more significant context of what the story focuses on, hence drawing the readers closer to presiding events which affects the protagonist, and ultimately brings forth the sympathy we feel. When Meursault kills an Arab he is adjudicated not for his murder, but for â€Å"burying his mother like a heartless criminal† (p93) after discove ring he was enjoying and having fun on the day after his mother’s death. As it is common for people to mourn for the loss of a loved one, the lack of concern he has towards his mother’s death differ from the social norms. Meursault was punished for his insensitivity as the Prosecutor talked about Meursault’s attitude towards his mother â€Å"much longer† (p98) than â€Å"about his crime† (p98). He was tried for not expressing regrets or showing emotions during the trial simply because he did not feel any of it, staying truthful throughout even if it affected his fate. Therefore, this elicits sympathy in readers as he in incapable of relating to others, conveying how his nonchalance led to his downfall as the trial placed a sole focus on his character instead of the crime he committed. In The Metamorphosis, Gregor’s altruistic character is illustrated from the very beginning of the novella, portraying how he hates his â€Å"grueling job† (p3) as a travelling salesman, experiencing the â€Å"torture of travelling, worrying about changing trains, eating miserable food at all hours† (p4) when he actually desired to quit a long time ago. Yet, Gregor only has his job in mind as he has no intention of letting his family down. More notably, despite his sufferings he sacrifices his time and freedom of choice profusely by continuing with his job which he loathes so much just to provide his family with â€Å"such a life in so nice an apartment† (p21) and to pay off his parents’ debt. Sadly, when he transforms into a vermin, his family repays his devotion by neglecting him, and â€Å"swallow their disgust and endure him† (p38). His family feels the need put up with the revolting sight of Gregor and bear with his vermin form, thus exposing their ungratefulness. Gregor is no longer of any use â€Å"since his transformation forces him to stay in his room†Ã‚   [ 1 ]   He eventually dies from the guilt of burdening his family because of his inability to provide for them and also because he lost his final link to his family- Grete, his sister and closest family member-when she agrees Gregor is burdensome. Hence, we sympathize for him as Gregor is neither thanked nor appreciated for his selfless acts, but instead shunned by his family- his natural source of love and support.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Project proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project proposal - Essay Example â€Å"In the hospitality field, not only are business transactions of the utmost importance, but so are concerns for public health and safety.† Due to the importance of practicing hospitality ethics, teaching of ethic philosophies should start right from the school. Even if philosophical lectures alone will not make students virtuous, however, they can help them think more clearly about day-to-day ethical problems with which they will be confronted in their future careers as ethical challenges remain a daily occurrence in the hospitality industry â€Å"The hospitality industry offers many examples of situations that can damage individual integrity and responsibility. One instance would be a manager's willingness to continue daily operations and preserve his job even as the resort is polluting the local environment.† Ethics should therefore extend beyond the hotel building to include the welfare of the society. â€Å"By focusing on you, your business, your products and services, your prices and your delivery, you can overcome the status quo and that is just plain good and ethical business practices.† To this end, business managers such as hotel managers should make hospitality ethics an all-inclusive concept that caters for areas such as prices, service delivery and manners. Research Rationale The way of doing business all over the world is fast changing. This change is seen more especially in the way businesses attract customers. Years past, competition in the hospitality industry for customers used to focus on who had the best facility and products. Today, the means of attracting customers seem to center more on marketing than product. As far as the hospitality industry is concerned, one of the best ways to market a business like a hotel is to embark on the massive application of hospitality ethics. Perhaps the reason why hospitality ethics seem to be receiving so much attention among customers in the hospitality industry is that ethics ar e founded based on human philosophies and theories. According to the World Lingo, â€Å"Hospitality theories and norms are derived through a critical analysis of hospitality practices, processes, and relationships; in various cultures and traditions; and throughout history. Ultimately, hospitality theories are applied, and put to practice in commercial and non-commercial settings.† This is to say that practicing simple ethics is so important to the customer that, the little gestures shown to him, can make him come back to the hotel – a real marketing strategy. Unlike before, the customer is now very conscious about how he is treated in which hotel. It is therefore not surprising that some customers select certain hotels even when they have the same facilities as other hotels and yet have expensive prices. This research seeks to examine the power of hospitality ethics on e customers of world class hotels. As a relation, there shall be critical analysis to find out if th e practice of hospitality ethics itself even has the power to raising a hotel to a world class status. This is research is achievable and because of the several avenues available to the researcher to access information from hotel users. There are also several theories that will guide the researcher in

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A study on the tourists feedback on their visit to the Great Wall of Essay

A study on the tourists feedback on their visit to the Great Wall of china - Essay Example It is in this regard that the Great Wall of China is considered one of the best subjects for research and study, particularly in the area of tourism. In recent years, when the tourism industry has started to boom into prominence, The Great Wall of china has recorded one of the most astounding tourists records and is continuously having a grand record even until this modern day. In fact, records show that this tourist spot alone is bringing 5 to 6 million tourists a year, especially during peak seasons. With this number, it is also estimated the Great Wall of China is attracting close to 60,000 visitors a day thereby bringing in 100,000,000RMB a year just for the tickets sale (, 2006). The result of this paper will be very useful to tourism students for they will be given ample information on the different point of views of tourists - what they like, what they do not like, how they talk and criticize, etc. Knowing such information will be a good tool to prepare the tourism students in facing the real challenges in the world of tourism. Moreover, this paper will also play a pivotal role in China's continuous tourism industry's success. The result of this study will serve as a basis if the tourism policy makers in China are doing a good job in promoting the country and the people's culture or if there is a need to change or enhance some aspects of their tourism policies. Future tourism researchers will also find this paper useful. This will guide them on how to go about with their own research undertaking. In the same manner, this paper will give future researcher ample idea regarding the tourism industry, particularly in China, thus can serve as a basis for comparison between other neighboring countries' tourism industry. Limitations of the Study This paper will focus on the tourists coming in and out of Beijing, China, particularly in its one major tourist spot - The Great Wall of China. Because this will only highlight the tourists' feedback on their tour experience, this paper will only be limited to the survey respondents that will be available at the time of data collection and gathering. Thus, the responses may only be limited to the current situation of Beijing China thereby not considering the significant possible comments and/or experiences on the past years. Hypothesis The Greta wall of china is famous for the tourists not only because of the ancient construction but also because of the hospitality shown by the Chinese. The most interesting part of the tour is the chance to walk in the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Child By Tiger By Thomas Wolfe Essay Example for Free

The Child By Tiger By Thomas Wolfe Essay Insane Slave Murders Citizens! The headlines would boldly exclaim this phrase if an event such as that happened today. The central event of the plot is a violent action in The Child by Tiger by Thomas Wolfe. The author gives significance to the occurrence by making it reveal a general truth about human experience. This universal theme becomes evident through many aspects of the story, which can be analyzed and evaluated to discern their purpose. These following paragraphs will support the judgement that a person in general can contain two worlds inside their psyche: good and evil. If the balance of these two is upset, tremendous or horrible things can happen. When The Child by Tiger first begins, Dick Prosser is established as a well-rounded, almost perfect individual. Although he is a slave, that doesnt restrict his amazing talents and abilities. As the story progresses, however, a stark contrast becomes evident in Dick Prossers presence. The first indication of the revelation of an underlying theme is the shroud of mystery veiled over Dick Prosser. For example, in the first few pages of this story, a character named Pansy Harris is introduced. She is portrayed as a jovial, good-hearted, Negro woman that assists with the kitchen duties in her owners home. Her disposition quickly changes to quiet and somewhat mournful upon encountering Dick Prosser. She informs her host family that she is leaving, which seems as if her departure is without any reason whatsoever. Secondly, a dark, enigmatic presence surrounded the narrator when he would see Dick. The narrator (once referred to as Mr. Spangler) speaks of the red in Dicks eyes whenever Dick would emerge from his living quarters. This was presumed to be an intoxication of the spirit because Dick was a godly man. The appearance of the worn-out Bible on his table was evidence that the book had been used often. Spangler often refers to Dicks cat-like abilities to sneak up on people, which deeply troubled him. Dicks moaning of hymns and another aspect pertaining to the Bible frightened the narrator. Dick would sometimes put together a weird jargon of Biblical phrases, perhaps constructing his own meaning of the passages. Obviously, the author is trying to create a direct contradiction to Dicks previous character. The significant violent action becomes almost predictable with the next few events. On Saturday a little after eight in the evening, the narrator along with the Shepperton boy noticed Dicks door to his basement room was slightly open. They entered and found a rifle with ammunition lying  on the small table is Dicks perfectly tidy lodging. Dick crept upon the boys like a cat, his red eyes glaring. This incident frightened the boys. While everyone in the town was asleep that night, Dick was not. The town bell rang, awaking Spangler in the process. When the narrator had heard that a Negro man had murdered several people, he knew immediately that it was Dick Prosser. Earlier that evening, Dick had been at Pansys home. Her husband came home, drank with Dick for a short while, then proceeded to fight with him. Pansys husband was killed. Perhaps it was out of jealousy or a conspiracy between Pansy and Dick; nonetheless, Dick murdered him. This initiated Dicks killing spree. He murdered men because they posed a threat to Pansy, first; then because people were a danger to him. What was the purpose of the strange chronological structure? It was very interesting how the author used a different sequence of order in telling this story. The whole story is a twenty-five year flashback, yet to recount the actual events that happened the night of the murders, Wolfe returns to the present time. What importance does this removal in time have for the meaning of the story? It is evident that the removal in time of the narrator has had an effect on him. He could take time to put things into perspective and delve beyond the surface to contemplate the Dicks true motives. Even during the time period that the incidence occurred, Spangler understood the mentality of the people. He said, For we would still remember the old dark doubt and loathing of our kind, of something hateful and unspeakable in the souls of men. We knew that we should not forget. What was the intent of Wolfe to constantly mention the Army? How was that pertinent to Dicks actions and behavior? There were several references in the story to Dicks affiliation with the Army. A great example is paragraph 102 on page 36 which states, as if he were seated on his co t in an Army barracks, he unlaced his shoes, .stood up like a soldier. What was the significance of this event, especially when Dick was a mere ten yards away from freedom? It symbolized submission to fate. All humans are subject to some sort of fate, and Dick believed that his destiny was of a Biblical nature. Perhaps he would rather die willingly than to be hunted down by the police for the rest of his life. How Dick readily gave up contrasted to the way that the whites treated his body. He knew that he was subject to fate, yet the whites completely destroyed his body with almost 300 shots. Also, verse four of the  psalm on page 38 explains the significance of Dick taking off his shoes. It states that thou art with me. Dick might have misconstrued Bible passages. Perhaps something clicked in his head and made him recall bits of his previous character: the good Dick Prosser. Are voices of reason always drowned out by a mob? Hugh McNairs voice was certainly ignored. A minor character, Hugh desperately tried to persuade the mob to go by law, order, and justice. They completely disregarded the righteous things that he said, and proceeded to throw a brick in his direction. Hence, it is apparent that there were others who saw the unjust attitude of the townspeople besides the narrator and the other boys. These paragraphs have supported the judgement that a person in general can contain two worlds inside their psyche: good and evil. If the balance of these two is upset, tremendous or horrible things can happen. In this case it was the latter. Conceivably, things could have turned out different for Mr. Dick Prosser had he been brought up in a different community. Subtract the potential for racism, prejudice, discrimination, and Dick might have been another star football player or the highest-ranking officer in the military. The possibilities could be endless if one would disregard their limitations.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

12 Angery Men :: essays research papers

Twelve Angry Men   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sometimes in life your professions reflect on your personalities. Twelve Angry Men is an example of where this occurs. Twelve men are brought together in a room to decide whether a boy is guilty of killing his father. Whether they brought good or bad qualities from their profession, they all affected the outcome. The leadership skills of Courtney Vance, the compassion of Dorian Harwood, and the opinionated Tony Danza affected the actions and decisions in the jury room.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Courtney Vance is a high school football coach; his position in the jury room is a foreman. On the football field, Vance acts as a mediator, a leader, and an organizer. As a foreman for this trial, Vance definitely carries all those traits into the jury room with him. If it were not for Vance, there would not have been any order in the jury room. He acts as a coach in the jury room as he formed fine lines of respect. He acts as a mediator for all of the arguments that went on in the jury room. Every time, Vance is there to calm everyone down and gain back order in the room. His leadership skills also shine in the jury room as well. He controls and leads every discussion, speaking order, voting, and demonstration. Vance takes on the leading role and handles it well. He also brings organization into the jury room by organizing the juries, the discussions, and the votes. With the excellent traits that Vance brings into the jury room, he allows the trial to run smooth ly and effectively.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dorian Harwood’s profession as nurse also shapes his actions in the jury room. In the jury room, he acts with compassion and respect. As a nurse he does the same. His compassion lies in caring for another. He relates that to the trial by thinking of the boy as one of his patients. He wants him to have a fair chance at life, and therefore wants him to have a fair trial. In the jury room, he acts with respect because he is very unsure about the case, and really does not know how he feels about things. So when it is his turn to talk he passes to hear the others before he makes the wrong assumption. With these actions he shows a lot of respect for not only the boy on trial, but also to the other juries.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Breaking Social Norms

Before proceeding to a detailed discussion of my experience in breaking a social norm, there is a need to define and elaborate some of the types of social norms. Generally, social norms are accepted ways of thinking, feeling, behaving that people in a group agree on and endorse as right and proper. These social norms often take various forms. They can be institutionalized, thus becoming the standard rules of behavior in a society (e. g. law). They can also be manifest rules â€Å"that silently tells someone of the approved forms of behavior† (Light et al. , 1989).Hence, it can be said that social norms comprised most of the conventional behaviors perceived in a given society (it is generally noted that social norms differ across societies – spatially and periodically). Nonetheless, social norms are enforced differently. There are social norms considered to be rigid in application; that is, all members of the society need to follow such rules. These social norms are call ed mores. Frequently, mores are transformed into laws, expected to be followed by all members of the society (violation is considered to be a threat to social organization).There are also norms that are laxly enforced by members of the society. These are called folkways. Generally, folkways are the society’s web of cultural or spiritual rituals, traditions, and routines. Deviance (breaking a social norm is synonymous to deviance) is not considered a threat to social organization. Sanction for violating folkways or traditions is less severe than moral deviance. Breaking a Social Norm As part of the requirements in our sociology course, the professor asked us to break a social norm (without contributing physical or mental danger to other people).A paper will be submitted detailing the specifics of the experience. Initially, I had this fear of social retribution for violating a social norm. Rather than thinking of the form of action I will take in breaking a social norm, I focus ed more on the consequences. However, since the professor assured us that we were only required to break a â€Å"soft† social norm, that is, a norm laxly enforced by the society, I felt relieved. I began enumerating the possible â€Å"soft† social norms I could remember. I remembered that wearing pajamas in movie theaters usually embarrasses many people.Usually, you will hear people talking of your â€Å"fashion style. † Other people usually gossip of the â€Å"strangeness† of the â€Å"person at his/her front† (a person wearing pajamas). However, as a student of sociology, I would never accept such assertions unless validated by experience or empirical research. Thus, for the first time, I became enthusiastic of my forthcoming experience. There were two things I considered before breaking a social norm: the color of the pajama I would be using and of course, the relative number of people in the theater. Usually, people going to movie theaters are embarrassed to see persons wearing yellow pajamas.I really do not know the reason behind this observation. What I really cared is that it is possible that the people are reacting not on the appropriateness of wearing pajamas in movie theaters but on the color of the pajamas. Hence, I used a white pajama to eliminate this possibility. The relative number of people going to theater also poses another problem. If I chose a theater which is seldom visited by people, then I will not be able to fully substantiate my deviance. Because deviance is partially measure by the degree of disagreement by the deviant and the society (this is really hard to measure), number is a factor.Hence, choosing the â€Å"right† movie theater (which is observed to be a frequent visiting place for many people) is a factor in executing the experience. I wore a white pajama that day. The movie theater was four blocks away from my residence. I decided to walk. It was about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. In the streets, I noticed that some people were staring at my pajamas. Some of them laughed; some threw a smile on me (most of the persons who laughed were men). It was clear to me that my pajama was causing the â€Å"disturbance† (or more appropriate, the social labeling of a deviant).Then I entered the entrance door of the theater. I noticed that the guard was somehow reluctant to allow me to enter the movie theater. Because I bought a ticket, he had no choice but to allow me to enter the place. Upon entrance to the theater, I saw some persons staring at me. Definitely, they were thinking that my dress is not an appropriate one when going to movie theaters. After a few seconds, they fixed their eyes on the movie screen. Then, I began to walk in the stairs of the movie theater just to take note of the reactions of the people I passed by.Some people were annoyed at the â€Å"inappropriateness† of my dress. I could trace it on the movements of their eyes. I knew that t hey were directing their view to my dress. Then, I settled on a seat located on the right side of the movie screen. I noticed that the person at my back was directing a laugh to his date. I guessed my dress was the cause. I felt a little distressed on the reactions of the people on my dress. Added to that, because I was the only one â€Å"wearing a strange dress†, I felt that I was the focus of attention (disregarding the fact that most of the people in the movie theater focused on the movie).Then, I noticed that almost all people in the theater were back in their usual â€Å"business. † The person at my back stopped from laughing. Most of the people fixed their eyes on the big screen. During the climax of the movie, I felt that everything was back in the normal. It seemed that that movie altered the focus of the people. Instead of fixing their eyes on my dress, they directed it to the movie screen. The movie screen (and the movie, of course) was a big help. When the m ovie was about to end, I noticed that some people were again fixing their eyes to my dress.Some people passing by my seat just ignored me. I felt a little relieved having observed that many people were ignoring me. I felt a little surprise when one of the movie-goers asked me the reason for wearing a white pajama in the movie theater. I said that it was my custom in when going to movie theaters. The person threw a smile at me. I know the thing running in his mind. He was really struck to see a person wearing a white pajama in the movie theater. Breaking the social norm I chose was not really easy. I knew that people would perceive me as a deviant once I start breaking a norm.Although it was a â€Å"soft† social norm, the propensity of a general reaction from people would surely be manifested in their covert behavior; that is, their â€Å"silent† disagreement over the inappropriateness of my dress would surely result to gossip and laughter. These general reactions thoug h were proven (through my experience) to be momentarily. These reactions were the result of initial discomfort or uneasiness to some people going in the movie theater. Gender difference with regard to the intensity of reaction was significant. Most of the people who laughed at my dress were men.Since the norm I broke was a â€Å"soft† one, I did not experience any harsh moral sanction. The reason lies on the nature of the norm itself. The norm is part of the routine activities of the people (that going to movie theaters with pajamas is not appropriate), hence does not constitute any moral evaluation. Thus, the sanctions (gossip and laughter) that were directed to me by some of the movie goers were correlated to the type of social norm I broke. Personally, I would really like to repeat this experience (not for experience’s sake) for empirical validation.Empirical validation is usually effective when multiple points of experiences are examined. In this case, repetition s erves as factual and theoretical validation of some elements of social deviance. References Light, Donald. (1989). Sociology. NY: McGraw-Hill Companies. Social Norms. (2007). Retrieved on October 27, 2007 from http://72. 14. 253. 104/search? q=cache:eMCHZe0mVroJ:www. buec. udel. edu/kimt/Leading%2520People/10. 11%2520Social%2520Norm%2520%26%2520Communication. ppt+definition+of+a+social+norm&hl=tl&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=ph&client=firefox-a.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Public School Versus Home School Essay

Over the years people have debated which one is a better education system for children, whether it is public school, or home school. There are many arguments for which one benefits the student more, such as social development in children, the education level to which he receives and also the maturity level upon completion. With the number of homeschoolers growing at about 11% a year so you can see that the public opinion of homeschooling is slowly changing. Pros and Cons of public and home school education When considering the difference between public school and home school education there are many pros and cons for both sides it depends on the learning ability of the student. Here are some of those differences: Pros of Public School: * Learning within a social setting * Extracurricular activity availability * More curriculum opportunities * Diverse social education Pros of Home School * Free to choose curriculum * Free to choose schedule * Small teacher to student ratio. * Teaches students to be independent in their learning choices Cons of Public School: * High student-teacher ratio * Less independence (scheduled learning) * School chooses curriculum * Peers based on area instead of choice Cons of Home School * Usually more expensive than public school * Teachers are not always qualified to teach all subjects * It is harder to provide social interaction * Colleges sometimes have stricter admission policies concerning homeschooled students. Differences in social development. One main arguments between public school and home school is the social development of the student, according to a California study by researcher Dr. Brian Ray 92% of superintendents believe that home learners are emotionally unstable, deprived of proper social development and too judgmental of the world around them. And some home school parents argue that children are immersed daily in a hostile setting that constantly works to influence them in the ways of the world which their parents have not had time to prepare them properly. For example some people think that homeschoolers spend their days isolated from society at kitchen tables with workbooks in hand, even though there are many programs out there where they can get social interaction, NHERI reports that home schooled students participate in approximately five different social activities outside the home on a regular basis. On the other hand, parents of public school students now and days are not as surprised to see reports of or hear about school shootings; find drugs or condoms in backpacks; or receive phone calls from the police and principals. So the argument that home school parents make, is that they have more control on the social contact their children receive. According to a leading developmental psychologist, Dr. Gordon Neufeld, peer interaction instead of facilitating the process of socialization, it is now more likely to lead to the premature replacement of adults by peers in the life of a child. Such children become peer-oriented rather than adult-oriented and are more difficult to parent and teach. A parent who is truly interested in his child’s education and not just kicking against the system can easily find ways to give his child the socialization skills that will make him a better member of society. Public school advocates argue that the biggest problem with homeschooling children is that they miss out on socialization. They claim that by not being involved in the classical classroom environment, they miss out on social skills which are second nature to children from the public schools. Homeschooling parents who wish to give their children good social skills must go out of their way to  expose their children to social situations which they can learn these skills. Differences in educational advance Although many public school administrators say that parents lack the necessary skills to teach their own children and the department of education has no way of knowing if the homeschooled students are being taught the necessary curriculum they have passed legislation that requires parents to pass some level of certification with the state or local school district before teaching their children at home. Most of this can be discredited because of the study of Dr.Thomas Smedley, who conducted a study utilizing the Vineyard Adaptive Behavior Scales test, which identifies mature and well-adapted behaviors in children, where home schooled students ranked in the 84th percentile whereas public schooled students were only in the 23rd percentile. On average, government schools spent $6,500 per student every year and private schools spent $3,500. Parents undertaking home schooling spent of $550 per student each year, although this figure does not take into account the time spent by parents on home schooling for which a public schoolteacher would be paid. home schooling provides you not only with the opportunity to teach your children what you think they need to know to succeed in the real world, but it also allows them to opportunity to develop their own skills and interests to a degree that is rarely possible in the public schools. In conclusion, homeschooling can be the best option for a child if the following conditions exist: the home provides a suitable learning atmosphere, the parent is capable, the child is receptive and the option to home school exists. These factors include the enabling of parents, the emotional health of the child, interest and curiosity, the socialization of the child and the teachability of the child. Regardless of your choice, the important thing is to understand what is available and the consequences of both systems; although many teachers believe that successful home instruction by uncredentialed parents undermines their expertise and jeopardizes their jobs. Yet from the research the home learning environment seems more profitable for the students’ academic growth. References U. S. Census Bureau, The Barna Group, NHERI, Dr. Michael Slavinski, Dr. Brian Ray, Dr. Thomas C. Smedley, Dr. Larry E. Shyers, Dr. Michael Mitchell, Dr. Linda Montgomery, Dr. Rhonda A. Galloway, Dr. Amy Binder, Belick, Stacey; Kathryn Chandler; and Stephen Broughman, â€Å"Homeschooling in the United States: 1999. † NCES Technical Report, 2001-033. Washington, D. C. : U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2001 Smith, Christian, and David Sikkink. â€Å"Is Private Schooling Privatizing? † First Things 92 (April 1999): 16-20, Rudner, L. M. (1999). â€Å"Scholastic achievement and demographic characteristics of home school students in 1998†, Cloud, John and Jodie Morse. â€Å"Home Sweet School†, Neufeld, Gordon, â€Å"Homeschooling, Time. com, nheri. org, familyfun. go. com.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Human Development Theory And Social Work Issues Social Work Essays

Human Development Theory And Social Work Issues Social Work Essays Human Development Theory And Social Work Issues Social Work Essay Human Development Theory And Social Work Issues Social Work Essay who live individually. Jack Murray was an adoptive kid. He was brought up by parents who were unfastened about his adoptive position and has neer shown any disposition to follow his biological parents. Jack has alcohol related jobs and is prone towards domestic force. Evelyn has been hurt and that excessively severely, in the recent yesteryear. Lora is making good in school and is cared for by Doris, who is nevertheless going frail. She had to be placed in an exigency Foster attention environment during her summer vacations, even as her female parent made usage of a adult females s shelter to get away the troubles of her place. Doris worries about being separated from her granddaughter and household if she were to travel to a attention place. All household members have expressed their willingness to work with a societal worker. Application of Theories of Human Development Erik Erikson s theory of human development was foremost advanced in 1950 and has been significantly augmented in ulterior old ages ( Brenman-Gibson, 1997, p 329 ) . Erikson s psychosocial theory provinces that life can be segregated into 8 phases from birth to decease, which comprise of ( a ) babyhood ( birth to 18 months ) , ( B ) early childhood ( 18 months to 3 old ages ) , ( degree Celsius ) drama age ( 3 to 5 old ages ) , ( vitamin D ) school age ( 5 to 12 old ages ) , ( vitamin E ) adolescence ( 12 to 18 old ages ) , ( degree Fahrenheit ) immature maturity ( 18 to 35 old ages ) , ( g ) middle maturity ( 35 to 55 or 65 old ages ) and ( H ) tardily maturity ( 55 or 65 to decease ) ( Brenman-Gibson, 1997, p 329 ) . Each of Erikson s 8 phases involves a crisis that is characterised by two opposing emotional forces. Infancy, for case, involves trust V misgiving and is characterised by the attention of the female parent for a kid with an accent on touch and ocular contact ( Christiansen A ; Palkovitz, 1998, p 133 ) . Successful passage through this period consequences in persons larning to swear in life and to hold assurance in the hereafter, even as jobs during this period can take to feelings of ineptitude and misgiving ( Christiansen A ; Palkovitz, 1998, p 133 ) . The school age of 6 to 12 old ages is likewise characterised by the opposing forces of industry and lower status ( Brenman-Gibson, 1997, p 331 ) . Persons are capable of acquisition, edifice and accomplishing legion accomplishments and cognition during this period, thereby developing feelings of industry. This phase of development can besides take to the experiencing of feelings of lower status and insufficiency with equals and consequence in jobs of ego regard and competency ( Brenman-Gibson, 1997, p 331 ) . Erikson s doctrine remainders on two of import subjects, viz. ( a ) that the universe enlarges as people go along, and ( B ) that failure is cumulative ( Douvan, 1997, p 16 ) . The first subject is incontestable. Whilst the second is problematic, it is true that kids who have to perforce trade with hard fortunes find it disputing to negociate ulterior phases in their lives in comparing with others ( Douvan, 1997, p 16 ) . Assorted surveies have revealed that kids who were non stroked as babies find it hard to link with others in their maturity. Erikson s theory of human development has gained broad credence and is frequently used as a model for understanding the nature of issues that lead to current behavior and to fix for the coming phases ( Douvan, 1997, p 16 ) . The analysis of the Murray household members reveal that Jack Murray could hold suffered from deficiency of stroking in his babyhood, particularly up to his acceptance at the age of 6 months. This could hold resulted in entrenched feelings of ineptitude and inclinations to distrust the universe. Such feelings, along with his experience of turning up as an adoptive kid, may hold inculcated feelings of low ego regard and be causal in his current imbibing jobs. Whilst Lora has grown up in the presence of fond parents and a loving grandma, she is now come ining the school age and the coming 6 old ages will enlarge her contact with the universe, where parents whilst still of import will non be the complete governments they have been until decease. The application of Erikson s theory of human development helps societal workers in understanding the assorted influences that persons experience in the class of their lives and the functions of such influences in steering their current behavior and their emotional and societal attitudes ( Raeff A ; Benson, 2003, p 61 ) . Bronfenbrenner s ecological theoretical account was foremost introduced in the early 1970s. His general ecological theoretical account is defined by 2 propositions ( Brendtro, 2006, p 162 ) . The first proposition provinces that human development, specifically in the early stages but besides throughout life, occurs through procedures that increasingly become more complex and affect mutual interaction between active and germinating worlds, who are bio-psychological in their attack, and the people, objects, and symbols in their immediate environment ( Brendtro, 2006, p 162 ) . Such interaction, when it occurs over drawn-out clip periods, on a regular footing are termed as proximal procedures and can be found in activities between parent and kids, kids and kids, and lone or group drama, every bit good as in reading, acquiring to cognize new accomplishments and executing complex and hard undertakings ( Brendtro, 2006, p 162 ) . The 2nd proposition provinces that the power, content, signifier and way of these proximal procedures influence development in a varying mode on history of the features of developing persons ( Brendtro, 2006, p 162 ) . Such development is besides influenced by the environment in which such procedures take topographic point and the nature of development results that are under survey. The female parent infant interaction, ( an of import proximal procedure ) emerges as an of import forecaster of developmental results ( Brendtro, 2006, p 162 ) . Bronfenbrenner s theory defines 4 different types of systems, viz. the Micro system, the Meso system, the Exo system and the Macro system, which shape human development ( Austrian, 2002, p 43 ) . The Micro system comprises of the household, schoolrooms and schools, and other systems in the proximal environment in which people operate. The Meso system represents the interaction of two micro systems, like the connexion between the place and the school of a kid ( Austrian, 2002, p 43 ) . The Exo system represents the environment that is external to the experience of an person and in which his or her engagement is indirect, but which effects development, all the same. The workplace of the parents of a kid is a relevant illustration of an Exo system. The Macro system represents the larger cultural context ( Austrian, 2002, p 43 ) . Bronfenbrenner s theory perceives the environment of a kid in footings of quality and context and efforts to explicate differences between the cognition, development and accomplishments of persons through the construction, support and counsel of the societies in which they exist ( Ahuja, 2006, p 3 ) . He states that interaction between over lapping eco systems affect people significantly. Applying Bronfenbrenner s theory to the Murray household, it can be seen that Lora s household and schoolrooms can be called the micro systems, which straight influence her working and development ( Ahuja, 2006, p 3 ) . When these two micro systems start working together to educate Lora, such instruction occurs through the Meso system. The society and civilization in which Lora is being raised provides the underlying influence to these systems and is termed the Macro system. The comprehension of interaction of these systems helps in understanding the manner in which kids develop and the factors that influence failure and success ( Ahuja, 2006, p 3 ) . Analysis of assorted micro and macro systems can assist societal workers significantly in understanding the assorted influences that shape the development of kids. Research workers have in fact specifically found the significance of macro systems to be causal to general depression and feelings of low ego regard in persons ( Ahuja, 2006, p 3 ) . The application of Bronfenbrenner s theory in the Murray household scenario enables the development of greater apprehension on the influences of different micro and Macro systems on the development of Lora in her school age and can assist societal workers to follow appropriate intercession methods. Role of Political and Social Processes on Human Development Whilst there is small uncertainty that the development of persons is mostly shaped by their place and school environments, sociological theory besides places important emphasis on the influence of larger society on such development ( Grusec A ; Hastings, 2008, p 42 ) . All persons grow up in specific political, cultural and societal environments that shape their attitudes and behaviors and act upon their development in specific ways. The peculiar societies in which people live are place to different types of spiritual, cultural and societal attitudes, prejudices and beliefs ( Grusec A ; Hastings, 2008, p 42 ) . Such political and societal procedures provide persons with the agencies to take part within their ain society, which itself contains shared imposts, norms, traditions, values and societal functions ( Grusec A ; Hastings, 2008, p 42 ) . These procedures are basically life long, get downing in childhood and go oning till decease. Both Erikson and Bronfenbrenner s theories de al with the procedure of socialization but through different positions Such socialization occurs through the influence of the household, faith, schools and equal groups, workplaces and the larger community ( Berns, 2009, p 131 ) . These procedures are besides influenced by local media and political idea. Children and immature grownups are significantly influenced by their equals. Such influences can frequently be negative and consequence in substance maltreatment, premature sexual activity and the demand to populate up to incorrect outlooks ( Berns, 2009, p 131 ) . Mass media plays an huge function in act uponing human development. The changeless exposure of kids to hex, sexual satisfaction and force can act upon the development of kids and immature grownups in assorted ways ( Berns, 2009, p 131 ) . With respect to the Murray household, it can good be understood that the personal development of all concerned persons is likely to be influenced by different political and societal procedures. The continuation of domestic force at place can take to feelings of hurt in Lora, particularly when she compares her domestic environment to that of her friends, and do her to wish to switch to a more peaceable environment. Such socialization procedures can furthermore leads to feelings of shame about her background and low ego regard, take her to eschew her household and take consolation in her equals and flicker of hooky player and delinquent behavior. Impact of Inequalities on Human Development Social work theory and knowledge chiefly aims to decrease and extinguish the impact of inequalities on the lives of persons ( Neckerman, 2004, p 189 ) . Inequalities can originate on history of assorted factors like income, instruction, gender and cultural position. Such inequalities basically serve to cut down surplus of affected people to assorted installations and cut down the chances of their life results and their opportunities to take normal and enriching lives, inequalities in income can for illustration deprive the kids of such households from assorted educational and other installations and badly decrease their life results ( Neckerman, 2004, p 189 ) . Such inequalities can besides bring forth feelings of low regard and consequence in suboptimal public presentation in and out of school during childhood and in the workplace in big life. Numerous surveies have revealed that kids with ill educated parents receive significantly lesser educational nutriment and support at place, which in bend affects their cognitive development and adversely influences their public presentation at school ( Marger, 2004, p 86 ) . Lora the 6 twelvemonth old Murray kid has until now done really good in school. The disturbed domestic state of affairs in her house, particularly the gender inequality between her parents and the domestic force faced by her female parent can good ensue in poorer educational support at place, particularly when she is traveling into the acquisition phase and needs it the most. Gender inequality has been widely accepted to be an of import factor in the unequal life opportunities offered to work forces and adult females of societies across the universe and has resulted in unequal development and life opportunities of the two sexes ( Marger, 2004, p 86 ) . Influence of Human Development Theories on Social Work Knowledge and Values Theories of human development aid in determining the thoughts of readers on the kernel of human behavior ( Austrian, 2002, p 56 ) . It expands the apprehension of persons of the range, the possible and complexness of human map. Whilst bookmans of human development do non hold on or back a individual theory, many of these theories provide new positions for the observation and reading of human behavior ( Austrian, 2002, p 56 ) . Piaget s theory of cognitive development has resulted in a new grasp for the ways in which kids construct sense and intending out of their experiences ( Raeff A ; Benson, 2003, p 81 ) . Erikson s psychosocial theory high spots the construct of individuality, even as the societal acquisition theory of Bandura has resulted in the widespread usage of patterning to imitate conditions under which kids increase their acquisition by detecting and copying the behavior of others ( Raeff A ; Benson, 2003, p 81 ) . The societal work profession draws extensively on theor ies of human development for understanding the behavior of persons, with specific respect to the causal influences of such behavior. An apprehension of such theories non merely enables societal workers to understand the causes for human behavior but besides helps them to be after appropriate intercessions to better the societal, emotional and economic conditions of people ( Raeff A ; Benson, 2003, p 81 ) . It helps societal workers to understand the dynamic interaction that takes topographic point among human existences and the impact of societal systems upon the lives of people. A greater apprehension of such theories besides helps societal workers in appreciating human diverseness, every bit good as the impact of different actions in assisting human existences to entree chances and services that foster realization of societal and economic justness ( Austrian, 2002, p 56 ) . Decisions

Monday, November 4, 2019

Human Resources Development Annotated Bibliography

Human Resources Development - Annotated Bibliography Example The source discusses the dynamics of employee training in reference to HRD climate in public and private commercial banks of Nepal. This is a journal article, which forms a reliable scholarly source. The article has updated information, easy and clear information and thus relevant to this study. Chi, H., Lan, C., & Dorjgotov, B. (2011). The influences of organizational culture and human resource development on R&D organizational effectiveness - the mediating effect of knowledge management. Journal of International Management Studies, 6(1), 1-12. This source uses a hypotheses model to evaluate the relationship between organizational culture, human resource development (HRD), and organizational effectiveness. The source equally defines human resource development and draws its significance in a business setup. Moreover, the source defines the four dimensions of Human resource development and utilization that include training and development, goal communication, support for the personal initiative, and involvement in decision-making. Additionally, the source establishes the importance of organizational performance and effectiveness in maintaining high HRD. The information in this journal article is easy to read and understand, current, not biased, and hence reliable for this study. The source describes the importance of human resource development, the need to tailor the HRD according to the organization’s strategy and structure, and the reasons why companies train and educate employees. In addition, the source relates human resource development and human resource management (HRM0 and relates the model for systematic training to HRM and HRD. Furthermore, the source discusses the mechanisms for evaluating human resource development. The information in this source is clear, easy to understand, and not biased.  

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Macy's Department Stores - The Competency Research Paper

Macy's Department Stores - A Competency - Research Paper Example This pattern of choice must start with the individual; there cannot be a group ethic that is in agreement without individual ethics. At Macy’s as in any organizational environment, an individual is a person who must make choices regarding how to behave. This behavior can be broken down into two categories: the choice as it affects the society around the person making the decision, and the decision as it affects the person making the choice. An individual who is making an ethical decision must think of how the behavior will affect others in terms of positive and negative repercussions, and they must also think how the decision will affect themselves in terms Part of the ethics of Macy’s includes what the company sees as its duty, and its employees’ duty, to give back to the community. Individual ethics, after all, is just an extension of the ethics of the community and society. â€Å"Support for our communities comes through gifts from the company, the Macys Foundation, and our employees. We've also made it possible for our customers to join us in "giving back" through our programs such as Thanks for Sharing, Shop for a Cause, and Go Red, the American Heart Associations women's heart health program† (Diversity, 2009). A company can install a program that benefits them personally; however, it might not benefit the rest of society, because it represents them cutting corners to get ahead, or seeking credentials in a way that is fraudulent, and will make them ultimately feel bad. Ethics can be a personal decision that can also be reflected by an external group or group philosophy, and although some would argue against ab solutism in ethics, this absolutism is definitely strong in rational theory portrayals.Â